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Simple and easy creation of your document with a single step. No personal information required for test document.    START now.

The objective of this FREE service is to accustom users to the concept of jPocket


This service is at an experimental stage to explore the concept and applications. 

  • Your protected document consists of non-protected and encrypted data. Encrypted data is stored in jPockets, which can be multiple and controlled with your password. Non-protected data can include title, owner and document summary.
  • A simple form document is provided for editing, which can accept up to ten jPockes with protected information (one at the time). However, with Advanced service users can request a custom designed form to accommodate specific needs.
  • Because of conceptual restriction JavaScript cannot create a document file at your computer. JavaScript processes and holds data in your browser’s protected memory space. It than uploads data to the server which issues a new page which can be saved locally (on your computer). However there is no security risk with data transfer to the server and back as data is already protected (encrypted).
  • You can create, edit and save your created documents on your personal computer, record them on CD or memory stick, or perhaps upload them to your free web/album space at Yahoo or similar. Unsaved documents are regularly removed from the server to provide resources to other users.
For a small fee you can have an Advanced account with and have all of your documents organized, stored, backed-up and accessed via a secured connection for viewing and re-editing. ...more.  

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