Encryption and Decryption of local text, html and xml Files with JavaScript.

Save this page locally, to your desktop or hard drive - as "Web Page, HTML-only",
then reopen that local page in a browser to use this tool.

Notice: In case you need to encrypt your Microsoft Word document you can use option to save your document with .xml or .htm name extension first (instead .doc) prior to encryption. Consequently, the decryption will produce your Microsoft Word document in xml or htm format (both supported with new Microsoft Word).
Use of this tool has all benefits of free open source software and in addition this tool use strongest publicly known and approved encryption algorithm ( AES/Rijndeal with 256 bit key ), compared to non disclosed proprietary commercial solution as Microsoft Word integrated encryption option for example.

Enter your File Path with file name and extension:

(example:" C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\test.txt ".)

Enter the password to be used:

To Encrypt file or text:

1.- Enter the password you want to encrypt with in yellow Password input area.
2.- a. Enter the file path in yellow File path input area and hit "Load File" button. OR
     b. Just paste text content you want to encrypt in PLAIN Area (green textarea).
3.- Hit "Encrypt " button.
    (Note: This will encrypt the content of PLAIN Area and put result into CRYPTO Area.)
4.- After encrypted content appears at CRYPTO Area (red textarea) use "Save into File" button
    for this area to create and save file as defined in yellow File Path input field.
    (Note: New file will overwrite the existing file, so use new name or extension for newly created file before you hit save button.)


To Decrypt:

1.- Enter the password you want to decrypt with in yellow Password input area.
2.- a. Enter the file path in yellow File path input area and hit "Load File" button. OR
     b. Just paste encrypted content you want to decrypt in CRYPTO Area (red textarea).
3.- Hit "Decrypt " button.
    (Note: This will decrypt the content of CRYPTO Area and put result into PLAIN Area.)
4.- After decrypted content appears at PLAIN Area (green textarea) use "Save into File" button
    for this area to create and save file as defined in yellow File Path input field.
    (Note: New file will overwrite the existing file, so use new name or extension for newly created file before you hit save button.)


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by MyInstantID.com
This document/tool is in the public domain.