This is sample of e-mail file attachment with hypothetical content in gray areas.
Use OPEN button to decrypt records from ePOCKET.
this is  CONFIDENTIAL  attachment to e-MAIL
Attachment:   HP Board of Director's meeting
Date:   September 11. 2006

This is confidential attachment, which can go through firewall and other protections because it is harmless text file. Confidentiality can NOT be compromised if intercepted during transport or checked out from storage on mail server or client computer. The confidential content from pocket is only visible as "open text" on screen of your browser if opened with unique secret key (up to 256 bits supported).

... this area describes the mail attachment. 

You must first store this file and than view it with your browser to utilize decrypting capabilities of this file.


 "open text"
from jPOCKET


                  --- Rumors ---

                      --- Joke ---

NOTE! This self-decrypting attachment is generated by web service using "patent pending" technology. Keep this confidently with other emails, or copy this attachment file separately on your computer, floppy or memory stick.